Country Codes
The country code table includes the WITS System country names for statistical purposes and both the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3-digit alphabetic codes and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) 3-digit equivalent numeric codes. The names and codes are used in all three databases.
Country Name | Country Codes | |
ISO3 | Code | |
Afghanistan | AFG | 004 |
Albania | ALB | 008 |
Algeria | DZA | 012 |
American Samoa | ASM | 016 |
Andorra | AND | 020 |
Angola | AGO | 024 |
Anguila | AIA | 660 |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | 028 |
Argentina | ARG | 032 |
Armenia | ARM | 051 |
Aruba | ABW | 533 |
Australia | AUS | 036 |
Austria | AUT | 040 |
Azerbaijan | AZE | 031 |
Bahamas, The | BHS | 044 |
Bahrain | BHR | 048 |
Bangladesh | BGD | 050 |
Barbados | BRB | 052 |
Belarus | BLR | 112 |
Belgium | BEL | 056 |
Belgium-Luxembourg | BLX | 058 |
Belize | BLZ | 084 |
Benin | BEN | 204 |
Bermuda | BMU | 060 |
Bhutan | BTN | 064 |
Bolivia | BOL | 068 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | 070 |
Botswana | BWA | 072 |
Br. Antr. Terr | BAT | 080 |
Brazil | BRA | 076 |
British Indian Ocean Ter. | IOT | 086 |
British Virgin Islands | VGB | 092 |
Brunei | BRN | 096 |
Bulgaria | BGR | 100 |
Burkina Faso | BFA | 854 |
Burundi | BDI | 108 |
Cambodia | KHM | 116 |
Cameroon | CMR | 120 |
Canada | CAN | 124 |
Cape Verde | CPV | 132 |
Cayman Islands | CYM | 136 |
Central African Republic | CAF | 140 |
Chad | TCD | 148 |
Chile | CHL | 152 |
China | CHN | 156 |
Christmas Island | CXR | 162 |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CCK | 166 |
Colombia | COL | 170 |
Comoros | COM | 174 |
Congo, Dem. Rep. | ZAR | 180 |
Congo, Rep. | COG | 178 |
Cook Islands | COK | 184 |
Costa Rica | CRI | 188 |
Cote d’Ivoire | CIV | 384 |
Croatia | HRV | 191 |
Cuba | CUB | 192 |
Cyprus | CYP | 196 |
Czech Republic | CZE | 203 |
Czechoslovakia | CSK | 200 |
Denmark | DNK | 208 |
Djibouti | DJI | 262 |
Dominica | DMA | 212 |
Dominican Republic | DOM | 214 |
East Timor | TMP | 626 |
Ecuador | ECU | 218 |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | EGY | 818 |
El Salvador | SLV | 222 |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | 226 |
Eritrea | ERI | 232 |
Estonia | EST | 233 |
Ethiopia (excludes Eritrea) | ETH | 231 |
Ethiopia (includes Eritrea) | ETF | 230 |
European Union | EUN | 918 |
Faeroe Islands | FRO | 234 |
Falkland Island | FLK | 238 |
Fiji | FJI | 242 |
Finland | FIN | 246 |
Fm Panama Cz | PCZ | 592 |
Fm Rhod Nyas | ZW1 | 717 |
Fm Tanganyik | TAN | 835 |
Fm Vietnam Dr | VDR | 868 |
Fm Vietnam Rp | SVR | 866 |
Fm Zanz-Pemb | ZPM | 836 |
Fr. So. Ant. Tr | ATF | 260 |
France | FRA | 250 |
Free Zones | FRE | 838 |
French Guiana | GUF | 254 |
French Polynesia | PYF | 258 |
Gabon | GAB | 266 |
Gambia, The | GMB | 270 |
Gaza Strip | GAZ | 274 |
Georgia | GEO | 268 |
German Democratic Republic | DDR | 278 |
Germany | DEU | 276 |
Ghana | GHA | 288 |
Gibraltar | GIB | 292 |
Greece | GRC | 300 |
Greenland | GRL | 304 |
Grenada | GRD | 308 |
Guadeloupe | GLP | 312 |
Guam | GUM | 316 |
Guatemala | GTM | 320 |
Guinea | GIN | 324 |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | 624 |
Guyana | GUY | 328 |
Haiti | HTI | 332 |
Holy See | VAT | 336 |
Honduras | HND | 340 |
Hong Kong, China | HKG | 344 |
Hungary | HUN | 348 |
Iceland | ISL | 352 |
India | IND | 356 |
Indonesia | IDN | 360 |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | IRN | 364 |
Iraq | IRQ | 368 |
Ireland | IRL | 372 |
Israel | ISR | 376 |
Italy | ITA | 380 |
Jamaica | JAM | 388 |
Japan | JPN | 392 |
Jhonston Island | JTN | 396 |
Jordan | JOR | 400 |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | 398 |
Kenya | KEN | 404 |
Kiribati | KIR | 296 |
Korea, Dem. Rep. | PRK | 408 |
Korea, Rep. | KOR | 410 |
Kuwait | KWT | 414 |
Kyrgyz Republic | KGZ | 417 |
Lao PDR | LAO | 418 |
Latvia | LVA | 428 |
Lebanon | LBN | 422 |
Lesotho | LSO | 426 |
Liberia | LBR | 430 |
Libya | LBY | 434 |
Liechtenstein | LIE | 438 |
Lithuania | LTU | 440 |
Luxembourg | LUX | 442 |
Macao | MAC | 446 |
Macedonia, FYR | MKD | 807 |
Madagascar | MDG | 450 |
Malawi | MWI | 454 |
Malaysia | MYS | 458 |
Maldives | MDV | 462 |
Mali | MLI | 466 |
Malta | MLT | 470 |
Marshall Islands | MHL | 584 |
Martinique | MTQ | 474 |
Mauritania | MRT | 478 |
Mauritius | MUS | 480 |
Mexico | MEX | 484 |
Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | FSM | 583 |
Midway Islands | MID | 488 |
Moldova | MDA | 498 |
Monaco | MCO | 492 |
Mongolia | MNG | 496 |
Montserrat | MSR | 500 |
Morocco | MAR | 504 |
Mozambique | MOZ | 508 |
Myanmar | MMR | 104 |
Namibia | NAM | 516 |
Nauru | NRU | 520 |
Nepal | NPL | 524 |
Netherlands | NLD | 528 |
Netherlands Antilles | ANT | 530 |
Neutral Zone | NZE | 536 |
New Caledonia | NCL | 540 |
New Zealand | NZL | 554 |
Nicaragua | NIC | 558 |
Niger | NER | 562 |
Nigeria | NGA | 566 |
Niue | NIU | 570 |
Norfolk Island | NFK | 574 |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | 580 |
Norway | NOR | 578 |
Oman | OMN | 512 |
Pacific Islands | PCE | 582 |
Pakistan | PAK | 586 |
Palau | PLW | 585 |
Panama | PAN | 591 |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | 598 |
Paraguay | PRY | 600 |
Pen Malaysia | PMY | 459 |
Peru | PER | 604 |
Philippines | PHL | 608 |
Pitcairn | PCN | 612 |
Poland | POL | 616 |
Portugal | PRT | 620 |
Puerto Rico | PRI | 630 |
Qatar | QAT | 634 |
Reunion | REU | 638 |
Romania | ROM | 642 |
Russian Federation | RUS | 643 |
Rwanda | RWA | 646 |
Ryukyu Is | RYU | 647 |
Sabah | SBH | 461 |
Saint Helena | SHN | 654 |
Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla-Aru | KN1 | 658 |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM | 666 |
Samoa | WSM | 882 |
San Marino | SMR | 674 |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | 678 |
Sarawak | SWK | 457 |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | 682 |
Senegal | SEN | 686 |
Seychelles | SYC | 690 |
Sierra Leone | SLE | 694 |
SIKKIM | SIK | 698 |
Singapore | SGP | 702 |
Slovak Republic | SVK | 703 |
Slovenia | SVN | 705 |
Solomon Islands | SLB | 090 |
Somalia | SOM | 706 |
South Africa | ZAF | 710 |
Soviet Union | SVU | 810 |
Spain | ESP | 724 |
Special Categories | SPE | 839 |
Sri Lanka | LKA | 144 |
St. Kitts and Nevis | KNA | 659 |
St. Lucia | LCA | 662 |
St. Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | 670 |
Sudan | SDN | 736 |
Suriname | SUR | 740 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Is | SJM | 744 |
Swaziland | SWZ | 748 |
Sweden | SWE | 752 |
Switzerland | CHE | 756 |
Syrian Arab Republic | SYR | 760 |
Taiwan | TWN | 158 |
Tajikistan | TJK | 762 |
Tanzania | TZA | 834 |
Thailand | THA | 764 |
Togo | TGO | 768 |
Tokelau | TKL | 772 |
Tonga | TON | 776 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | 780 |
Tunisia | TUN | 788 |
Turkey | TUR | 792 |
Turkmenistan | TKM | 795 |
Turks and Caicos Isl. | TCA | 796 |
Tuvalu | TUV | 798 |
Uganda | UGA | 800 |
Ukraine | UKR | 804 |
ARE | 784 | |
United Kingdom | GBR | 826 |
United States | USA | 840 |
Unspecified | UNS | 898 |
Uruguay | URY | 858 |
Us Msc.Pac.I | USP | 849 |
Uzbekistan | UZB | 860 |
Vanuatu | VUT | 548 |
Venezuela | VEN | 862 |
Vietnam | VNM | 704 |
Virgin Islands (U.S.) | VIR | 850 |
Wake Island | WAK | 872 |
Wallis and Futura Isl. | WLF | 876 |
Western Sahara | ESH | 732 |
World | WLD | 000 |
Yemen Democratic | YDR | 720 |
Yemen, Rep. | YEM | 887 |
Yugoslavia | SER | 891 |
Yugoslavia, FR (Serbia/Montene | YUG | 890 |
Zambia | ZMB | 894 |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | 716 |
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