1. Object-Oriented concept:
Everything is an object in Java. Being based on the Object module, Java can be conveniently extended.
2. Platform Independent:
Certain programming languages like C and C++ are platform-independent. But when Java is compiled, the corresponding process is not accomplished in the platform’s explicit machine.
Instead, it is completed into platform-independent byte code. The corresponding byte code is shared on the web and inferred by the Virtual Machine (JVM) irrespective of the platform it is operated on the best way to learn core java is to understand its fundamentals and then implement it on various platforms since it is platform-independent.
3. High security:
The high security facilitates the development of virus-free, tamper-free systems. Moreover, the authentication methods are dependent on public-key encryption.
4. Architecture-neutral:
Java compiler creates an architecture-neutral object file format. Consequently, the compiled code can be executed on several processors along with the existence of the Java runtime system.
5. Portable:
It is architecture-neutral, and there are no restrictions on implementing the specification. Hence, it is portable. Note that the Java compiler is written in ANSI C along with a spotless portability boundary (this boundary is a POSIX subset).
6. Error-free:
Java is renowned for being robust because it aims to discard error-prone incidences. It accomplishes this by focusing on checking the compile-time error and runtime error.
7. Easy to learn:
If you correctly understand the OOP concept, it becomes easier to understand Java fundamentals and master them. If you are determined to build a programming background, you can learn core java online for free. Once you have learned the fundamentals, you can start the core java 8 tutorial and learn the core java advanced concepts.
8. Efficient performance:
Being an interpreted language, Java cannot operate as quickly as a compiled language such as C or C++. However, Java presents an efficient performance by using a just-in-time compiler.
9. Multi-threaded:
The multithreaded feature of Java makes it possible to write programs that can accomplish several tasks concurrently. This feature enables the developers to develop interactive apps that operate flawlessly.
10. Perfect for the distributed environment:
Java is primarily developed for the distributed environment of the Internet. You can develop programs to execute on computer networks. Moreover, Java has a distinct class library that facilitates communication through TCP/IP protocols. Compared to C and C++, creating network connections in Java is easier.
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