Hadapsar Knowing about the weather, temperature, climate, rainfall, snowfall, humidity of any place is important since one needs to plan according to how hot or how cold the seasonal temperature is. The temperature in Hadapsar today is 25 °C, while humidity is 64 %. Today would be a good day for wearing cotton if you are already there. If you were looking for weather in Hadapsar during December, be prepared for maximum and minimum temperatures ranging from 15 to 25 °C and humidity levels of around 64 %. While the Hadapsar weather in January will have temperatures ranging from 2 to 34 °C.
Hadapsar is an eastern suburb of Pune City, Maharashtra, India. Until 1990s Hadapsar was a small village surrounded by farms. It has grown to be a major industrial area and one of the most densely populated parts of Pune District.
Hadapsar railway station exists ahead of Amanora town center. Pune Junction railway station provides more rail services. The nearest airport is Pune Airport.
Hadapsar is connected to the other parts of the city by PMPML buses. The PMPML also operates AC buses on the Katraj-Hadapsar BRT Route. Several State Transport buses also have a stopover at Hadapsar.
The traffic density on the roads is higher during the morning and evening rush hours due to the companies located there, and the National Highway passes through. Three flyovers have been constructed to ease the traffic.
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NEWS IN Hadapsar

News In Hadapsar
A 23-year-old woman, riding pillion on an Activa scooter, was killed in a hit-and-run incident, on the Palm Beach road near Aspire building junction