Location: BHIWANDI
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Bhiwandi is a city located in Thane district, Maharashtra, India. It is a fast-growing city that has seen tremendous growth in recent years. The city is known for its textile and power loom industries, which have been the primary sources of income for the people of Bhiwandi. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of Bhiwandi, covering its population, history, geography, location, climate, place of interest, economy, transportation, and conclusion.
Bhiwandi is a suburb of Mumbai, in the western state of Maharashtra, in India, located 20 km to the northeast of Mumbai and 15 km to the northeast of Thane city. The exact location of Bhiwandi is 19.296664°N 73.063121°E. Bhiwandi city, the headquarters of the taluka of Bhiwandi, comes under the administration of the Bhiwandi-Nizampur City Municipal Corporation. and is sometimes dubbed as ‘The Manchester of India’. A major portion of the population is employed by the Power loom sector. The Mumbai-Agra highway (NH-3), passing through Bhiwandi ensures the smooth connectivity of the city with Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, and the rest of India. The city is considered a part of the Greater Mumbai metropolitan. The city of Bhiwandi, known for its textile industry, has the largest number of Power looms in the country.
Population According to the 2011 Census of India, Bhiwandi had a population of 710,750. The city has a diverse population, with people from various religions and ethnicities living here. Marathi is the official language spoken here, but Hindi and Urdu are also widely spoken.
Bhiwandi has been developing as an Industrial hub for the textile industry in the past, and all industries and the logistics sector in recent times. Bhiwandi is the next development region for MMRDA, which has developed other regions such as Bandra – Kurla Complex, Mumbai Metro & Monorail Project, Eastern freeway, and many more. Close proximity to Mumbai, Thane, and the Development of the region by MMRDA, make Bhiwandi an ideal place for businesses to locate. Also, the availability of 24 hrs power supply, and the availability of workers due to proximity to the Industrial city of Bhiwandi, facilitate the setting up of the industrial unit. The availability of Transporters having country wide presence in proximity makes it an ideal location for warehousing.
Bhiwand Nizampur Power Loom
Powerloom Industry is the major contributor to the Indian Textile industry as 62% of the textile production in India is done by Powerlooms. Indian Powerloom Industry is equipped with 2.43 million registered looms producing 54,000 sq. miter fabrics and accounting for 57.45 lakhs number of direct & indirect employment. It is concentrated in clusters across Erode, Salem, Madurai, Ichalkarnaji, Solapur, Bhiwandi, Bhilwara, and Malegaon, among others. The industry produces a wide range of fabrics ranging from grey, printed fabric, dyed fabric, cotton fabric, and various mixes of cotton, synthetic, and other fibers. In fact, the Powerloom sector is a major contributor to our export earnings. USA, EU, China, UAE, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Korea, Bangladesh, Turkey, Pakistan, and Brazil are some of the major markets for these exports.
विणकरांची नगरी म्हणून प्रसिद्ध असलेल्या भिवंडीचा इतिहास अनेक महत्त्वपूर्ण बाबींनी भरलेला आहे.
भिवंडी – निजामपूर नगरपालिकेच्या स्थापनेला १५१ वर्ष पूर्ण झाली… (१० ऑक्टोबर, १८६४)
भिवंडीचा इतिहास……
विणकरांची नगरी म्हणून प्रसिद्ध असलेल्या भिवंडीचा इतिहास अनेक महत्त्वपूर्ण बाबींनी भरलेला आहे. राजा भीमदेव यांच्या कारकीर्दीत नावारूपास आलेल्या भिमडी या शहराचे नाव पुढे भिवंडी झाले. भिवंडीची भौगोलिक रचना व्यापारीदृष्टय़ा आदर्श अशी आहे. जलमार्ग आणि भूमार्गाच्या ऐन मोक्याच्या ठिकाणी असलेल्या या शहरात पुढे वस्त्रोद्योग नावारूपाला आला.
राजा भीमदेव यांच्या कारकीर्दीत नावारूपास आलेले भिमडी ऊर्फ भिवंडी हे एक ऐतिहासिक नगर. मुस्लीम राजवटीत काही फारशी पत्रांतून इस्लामपूर असेही नामाभिधान झालेले दिसते. दुसरे अनुमान असे की, उत्तरेकडून आलेल्या बिंब राजांनी प्रथम भिवंडी जिंकून मग ठाणे जिंकले. प्रथम बिंबाने भिवंडी जिंकले म्हणून ‘बिंबस्थान’. पुढे बिंबस्थानावरून भिवंडी नाव तयार झाले. भिवंडी ही विणकरांची नगरी म्हणून प्रसिद्ध आहे. गेली अनेक शतके कोटय़वधी भारतीयांची कापडाची मूलभूत गरज भागविणाऱ्या उद्यमशील भिवंडी शहराला सांस्कृतिक जडणघडणीचा गौरवपूर्ण इतिहास लाभला आहे. ठाणे गॅझेट, मुंबई गॅझेट आणि ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज पाहता इ. स. आठव्या शतकापासून भिवंडीच्या इतिहासाचा मागोवा घेता येतो.
ठाणे गॅझेटियर प्रकरण १९ मध्ये पान क्र. ९८६ वर भिमडी ऊर्फ भिवंडी या नावाचा इतिहास पाहताना त्या काळी हिंदू-मुस्लीम सलोखा किती घनिष्ठ होता यावर प्रकाश पडतो. बगदाद येथील एक मुस्लीम संत शेख हुसेन काद्री ऊर्फ पीर शाह हुसेन साहेब यांनी बगदाद सोडले व ते विजापूरचा बादशहा आदिलशहाकडे आले. त्याच सुमारास आदिलशहाचा मृत्यू झाला. हुसेन साहेबांनी १७ वर्षे आदिलशाहाचा राज्यकारभार सांभाळला आणि राजपुत्र राज्यकारभार पाहण्यालायक झाल्यावर विजापूरची सर्व सत्ता त्याच्या हाती सोपवून भिवंडीची वाट धरली. याच सुमारास भिवंडीमध्ये ‘भीम’ नावाच्या हिंदू राजाला पोर्तुगीजांनी हुसकावून लावण्याचा प्रयत्न केला असता पीर हुसेन साहेबांनी भीम या हिंदू राजाला सर्वतोपरी मदत करीत पोर्तुगीजांना पळवून लावले. हिंदू राजाला मदत करणाऱ्या या मुस्लीम संताला पुढे ‘बाबा दिवाणशाह’ म्हणून ओळखले जाऊ लागले. बाबा दिवाणशहाचा दर्गा आजही भिवंडीत प्रसिद्ध असून दरवर्षी या ठिकाणी मोठा उरूस भरतो. या उरुसामध्ये हजारो हिंदू-मुस्लीम दर्ग्याचे दर्शन घेतात. इ. स. १६५७ मध्ये शिवाजी महाराजांच्या पदस्पर्शाने पावन झालेली ही भूमी. छत्रपती संभाजी राजे (१६८३) व थोरले बाजीराव पेशवे (इ. स. १७२०) यांच्या पाऊलखुणा जपणारी अशी ही ऐतिहासिक भिवंडी आहे.
भिवंडीची भौगोलिक रचना ही व्यापारीदृष्टय़ा आदर्श अशा जलमार्ग व भूमार्गाच्या ऐन मोक्याच्या ठिकाणी असल्याने भारताच्या कानाकोपऱ्यातून आलेल्या उद्यमशील विणकरांनी पारंपरिक हातमाग व पुढे यंत्रमाग (पॉवरलूम) द्वारे वस्त्रोद्योग निर्मितीत भिवंडीचे नाव जागतिक स्तरावर नेऊन ठेवले. यंत्रमाग व यंत्रमागाच्या सुटय़ा भागांचे कारखाने, बैलगाडीची चाके, भातगिरणी, भातगिरणीची मशिनरी बनविण्याचे कारखाने सुरू झाले. रस्ते तयार होऊ लागले. भोवतालचे जग जवळ येऊ लागले. सुधारणांचे वारे आणि आजूबाजूला घडणाऱ्या घटनांचा अर्थ समजू लागला. स्वातंत्र्याचे, सार्वभौमत्वाचे महत्त्व समजू लागले आणि मग भिवंडीतले हिंदू-मुस्लीम स्त्री-पुरुष भारतीय स्वातंत्र्यलढय़ात एकदिलाने सामील होऊ लागले.
Economy Bhiwandi is known for its textile and power loom industries, which have been the primary sources of income for the people of Bhiwandi. The city has more than 5,000 power looms and produces around 50,000 meters of cloth per day. The city also has several small-scale industries that produce plastic products, leather goods, and food products. Agriculture is also an important occupation in the surrounding areas.
History Bhiwandi has a rich history that dates back to the medieval period. It was a part of the Maurya Empire and later came under the rule of the Satavahanas. The city was also a part of the Mughal Empire and was ruled by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. During British rule, Bhiwandi was a part of the Bombay Presidency and was known for its cotton and silk textiles.
Geography Bhiwandi is located in the Thane district of Maharashtra, India. It is situated at an altitude of 35 meters above sea level and is surrounded by hills and forests. The Ulhas River flows through the city, which provides water for agricultural activities in the area. The city has a total area of 28.43 square kilometers.
Location Bhiwandi is located at a distance of 20 kilometers from Thane and 38 kilometers from Mumbai. It is well connected to Mumbai and other cities in Maharashtra by road and rail. The nearest airport to Bhiwandi is the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai.
Climate Bhiwandi has a tropical climate with hot and humid summers and mild winters. The monsoon season starts in June and lasts until September, during which the city receives heavy rainfall. The average temperature in Bhiwandi ranges from 25°C to 35°C in summers and 15°C to 25°C in winters.
Place of Interest Bhiwandi has several places of interest that attract tourists from all over the world. Some of the popular tourist destinations in and around Bhiwandi are:
- Mahuli Fort: Mahuli Fort is located near Bhiwandi and is a popular trekking destination. The fort is situated at an altitude of 2,815 feet and provides a panoramic view of the surrounding hills.
- Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary: Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary is located at a distance of 20 kilometers from Bhiwandi. The sanctuary is home to several species of animals and birds, including leopards, barking deer, and peafowl.
- Shangrila Water Park: Shangrila Water Park is a popular amusement park located in Bhiwandi. It has several water rides and other attractions that make it a popular destination among tourists.
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News In Bhiwandi
A 23-year-old woman, riding pillion on an Activa scooter, was killed in a hit-and-run incident, on the Palm Beach road near Aspire building junction