About Us
Propretor Mr. Kalyan Mhatre
Live Fish Centre is starts 2017 in pen city.We are last six year in this bussines to provide fresh live fish and manymore varities of fish in pen raigad maharashtra. because we know your love for nonveg food mainly fish lovers so we starts live fish centre for our fish lovers so they can get fresh fish items and another many more varites in fish.
The Live Fish Centre is into the business of seafood is newly started and has gained good recognition in the industry. Presently, We does exports. The products of the company are exported to pen city becuse it is our first branch in pen but our reponce is very good customer happly come to our shop for buying fish or what they want. The live fish trade can refer to the live food fish trade (for human consumption) or to the ornamental fish trade (for aquariums). The fish can come from many places, but most comes from Southeast Asia.The live food fish trade is a global system that links fishing communities with markets, primarily in Hong Kong and mainland China. Many of the fish are captured on coral reefs in Southeast Asia or the Pacific Island nations.
Consumer demand
Within the live food trade there are certain types of fish demanded more often by consumers, particularly smaller and medium-sized fish. According to the book While Stocks Last: The Live Reef Food Fish Trade consumer demand has caused the fish captured on coral reefs to be the most valued fish in the trade. Consumers are important because they are directly purchasing these fish species at restaurants and stores. In addition to these types of fishes, many juvenile fish are used for the live food trade. There are also cultural and regional preferences among consumers, for example, Chinese consumers often prefer their fish to be reddish in color believing the color to be auspicious. These preferences inevitably affect the biodiversity of marine life making certain fish species rarer to find.
An inclusive world of healthy, well-nourished people and a sustainable blue planet, now and in the future.
To end hunger and advance sustainable development by 2030 through science and innovation to transform food, land and water systems with aquatic foods for healthier people and planet.
We provide holistic thinking and scientific evidence to transform aquatic food systems for healthy people and the planet.
17 percent of all animal protein eaten comes from aquatic foods. They are also, bite for bite, among the best sources of micronutrients – the vitamins and minerals essential for health and wellbeing. The naturally low carbon footprint of aquatic foods also adds resilience to communities faced with the rising impacts of climate change.
Aquatic foods are produced and caught with many different technologies and at many different scales – from household ponds and small-scale fishers to global trawler fleets that roam the oceans. Our strategy seeks to transform food systems to ensure equitable and sustainable access to food from water.
Equity is important locally, so that women, young people and other marginalized groups are not deprived of the opportunity to use aquatic foods to enhance their health, wellbeing and economic lives. Global equity is equally important, so that low- and middle-income countries are able to use aquatic foods to develop their economies and support their people.
We recognize that our scientific work and impact in the world is enhanced when we bring together a diversity of backgrounds, skills, disciplines, talents and partnerships that inform the way we work and shape our organizational culture and workplace, as well as our aspiration to be a global thought leader.
We are relentlessly curious and seek to learn from challenges and from others. We embrace discovery, daptation and growth. We rely on data and evidence to deepen our understanding, make the best decisions and drive bold innovation.
Science of the highest quality and professional standards is the foundation for all we do. We actively partner with others who share our passion for excellence and impact.
We take ownership of our work and promptly correct mistakes to the greatest extent possible. We honor our commitments to partners and to each other. We measure ourselves against the highest standards of integrity and fiscal responsibility, and we are open and transparent in communicating our results.
We recognize it takes people with different ideas, talents, disciplines and backgrounds to make our work stand out. We encourage differing perspectives, healthy debate and an inclusive environment for all, and at every level, to create solutions to complex problems.
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- Location / Region Maharashtra/ PEN CITY/ Raigad District
- Slogan For Fish Water Is Complete Environment !
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- Listing categories Business