Ville Parle
Ville Parle is a neighborhood and also the name of the railway station in West Mumbai. Vile Parle has a significantly strong base of Marathi population. The name “Vile Parle” has been derived from the names of two small but old temples: Ankleshwar and Parleshwar. It serves as the location of the first Parle factory which ceased operations in the year 2016. It houses Mumbai’s Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport’s Domestic Terminal.
Weather in Vile Parle West Mumbai- Knowing about the weather, temperature, climate, rainfall, snowfall, humidity of any place is important since one needs to plan according to how hot or how cold the seasonal temperature is. The temperature in Vile Parle West Mumbai today is 33 °C, while humidity is 91 %. Today would be a good day for wearing cotton if you are already there. If you were looking for weather in Vile Parle West Mumbai during May, be prepared for maximum and minimum temperatures ranging from 29 to 34 °C and humidity levels of around 91 %. The best months for visiting Vile Parle West Mumbai are.
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