Khed is a City in Pune District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Desh or Paschim Maharashtra region . It belongs to Pune Division . 124 KM from State capital Mumbai towards west .
Khed City is bounded by by Ambegaon Taluka towards North , Talegaon Dabhade Taluka towards west , Pimpri-Chinchwad Taluka towards South , Maval Taluka towards west . Manchar City , Talegaon Dabhade City , Pimpri-Chinchwad City , Pune City are the nearby Cities to Khed.
Kanhewadi Kh. is the smallest Village and Kadus is the biggest Village . It is in the 596 m elevation (altitude).
Maybe you are looking for Khed in Maharashtra, India instead In Khed, there is little rainfall throughout the year. The Koppen-Geiger climate classification is BSh. The average annual temperature in Khed is 24.8 °C. About 734 mm of precipitation falls annually.
No direct flights or trains or buses are available between Khed to Thane.The convenient and fastest way to reach from Khed to Thane is to take a taxi from Khed to Thane.The cheapest way to reach Thane from Khed is to take Mandovi Express from Khed to Mumbai then take State transport bus from Mumbai to Thane.