Tank Size & Position – ARIF PET FARM PEN RAIGAD
Recommend a tank no smaller than 36”x18”x18” for six fish. Discus does better in deep tanks as the discus doesn’t like being on the floor.
They are very shy fish and tend to hide when they are not confident so keep the tank away from noisy and busy areas. Keep away from direct sunlight and radiators as sunlight will cause algae and excess heat.
Water Condition – ARIF DISCUS PEN
the pH of Water should be between 6.5 to 7.5
The hardness of the water should be between 1dH to 8dH
The temperature should be between 28o to 31o
Substrate & Plants – ARIF PET FARM PEN RAIGAD
For a display tank, small gravel or sand is recommended
They look great in a natural setup. Plants help to remove toxic substances from the water. Healthy plants will lead to a healthy environment and will help stave off common diseases. Plants also provide natural hiding places for them.
Filtrations & Media
Mechanical Filter; the water is drawn or pumped through layers of material that remove any debris from the water. Multiple layers of sponges filter out the dirt.
Biological Filter; Ceramics rings, Brunt Red ceramic rings, and Bio balls allow plenty of good nitrifying bacteria to colonize it, which will make it very effective in removing toxins and impurities.
Chemical Filters; Activated Carbon can be used as it absorbs impurities or alters the chemical balance of the water.
The Perfect Diet
Vitamin and protein-rich diet, They prefer their food mid-water to the bottom.
Flake, Brine shrimp, Bloodworm, Beef heart
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